Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday :)

I want to get a Guess watch and a camera so much as well. I used to think and compare
just now. Finally I've made a decision, I'm not going to get the watch, and camera first since I want to save more money for this coming December holiday trip at Singapore with boyfriend, and his family. Everything is so expensive in Singapore. So how can you trip at there without money? Sigh. So saving from now is only the choice! They are not in my need-list, but in my want-list. So I must control this >< GOOD LUCK YO!

I went to Zen Q for dessert with boyfriend after work. I realized dessert helped a lots! I feel so much better and not stressful after ate <3 so in love with this Mango snapped ice? Forgot how to call it. Mix fruit is boyfriend one ^^

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