Sunday, February 12, 2012

My new baby <3

I got my new baby, iPhone 4s in white color on 10 February. I'm so happy ^^ It's really must better compare to iPhone 4. Because it's faster, camera nicer, sound louder, and more features. I am loving it! Promise myself will take good care of it all the time. Thanks Bii <3

Ordered a "Sticky" candy from Winnie last few days. It costed RM38. Mix flavor. 170 gram. Hmmm, it's not tasty as how I expect. But still not bad :)

Got my "Melilea soya powder" yesterday from sister. I bought 2 pack. 500 gram per pack. Sister asked me to try it to control my meal because my mouth is always full of food when I'm get bored ==" hopefully it's help! And I can throw all my fats away! Arghhhh I want 45KG. Please T_T

I'm so poor in this year. Gonna work very hard and save more money!

P/s: I think I will get more time to blogger since I download the blogger apps to my 4s. Woohoo

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