Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Saturday again~
I'm super duper boring and hungry right now! :(
Mum and sister is going out, that's why I can't out early. I feel I'm very unlucky today.
She came to find me early in the morning and I feel uncomfortable right now.
But still, I wanna out for movie later. Because I can't out on next week :'(

Uihhh come back faster please! I'M BEGGING BOTH OF YOU :'(


Babe came to pick me up around 1pm, straight away go to Center :)
Had a meal at MC'D. Meet up my 2 darling and had a movie with them ^^

I felt regret to watch it? It's scary, creepy and disgusting :O yiakk, but still is not bad.
This movie touched me at the last part seeing the woman is protecting/praying for her son :')

Had a dinner at Tanjung Aru.
Saw many people is taking picture but we didn't.
We put in our memory :)

After that, went to babe house

What pose is this? haha

Reached home around 11.10pm
What a happy days :D


Friday, March 26, 2010

Today was Anugerah Cemerlang. No any teacher attended to class for teaching.
We went to hall for attended the Anugerah Cemerlang.
Is quite boring, I feel touching when I saw the *pancaragam* is performance :)

Went to Seri Insan @ Kolombong play badminton with him, Ming and Xiaosau after school.
I'm damn tired now. Aww! Pain nah, my hand and leg~!

Mum, I beg you, I wanna out for movie tomorrow :(

Thursday, March 25, 2010

24 March 2010 Wednesday : is Kokurikulum day's.
Marching under the big sun just because of teacher didn't attended to class,
so we need to do that. I hate marching badly! It's so hot and tired man, aww! :@

Somethings was happened.
All of them, is still the same
All of them, is lame
All of them, is childish
All of them, is nothing to do
All of them, is bitch
Please, don't think that we are stupid, we are not stupid as you brainless.

What should we call those kind of person dare to talk people so loudly but not dare to admit HUH?
What should we call them?! Don't you feel ashamed? Let's me tell you, It's SHAMEFUL
And EXCUSE ME, what you can give us learn from all of you, huh? Think before you talk and act please
1 word to describe all of you, you guys are jealous, hahahahaha!


25 March 2010 Thursday ; is Kokurikulum day's too.
Attended to Buddha club. No game today. The leader is teaching and explain something and others to all the member.
I'm very concentrate when the leader is talking, It's meaningful~!
I had learn a lots of things :)

And the leader told us that

也要多做善事 :)

That's right~! I don't want to care those unimportant things in my life.
It's lame and not a problem for me, let's peace all my dearest friends! :D

I feel much better, heehehe

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1 经常亲吻她,趁她不注意。
2 过马路时牵她的手。即使吵架。
3 一定要有属于你们自己的房子,即使不大。
4 一起听她喜欢的歌和她爱看的电影,陪她感动。
5 让她躺在你的腿上,可以抚摸她的头发。
6 她洗澡的时候唱歌给她听,让她不觉得闷。
7 哄她吃她不爱吃但有营养的食物。
8 用情侣牙刷,然后把你的牙刷和她的偷偷换一下。
9 当她很累时给她捏捏肩,捏捏脚,然后挠她脚心逗她开心。
10 偷偷录下她走来走去和睡觉的样子。不管她耍赖还是威胁就是不删。
11 没有理由的抱抱她。
12 她写的东西我一定用心的看,读懂内心的那个她。
13 周末为她做她喜欢吃的东西,然后散步。
14 在大天广众之下背她或停下来拥抱她。
15 在街上走的时候不会离她超过1米远的距离。
16 进餐厅的门或出图书馆的时候一定为她拉门让她先走。
17 陪她买菜杀价,她做饭你做汤。
18 趁她半睡半醒间为她盖被子,醒来先看看熟睡的她,然后亲一下她的额头。
19 在她特殊时期为她端上热的红糖水,然后若无其事的看电视。
20 偶尔早上打电话给她,听她佣懒的声音然后问她想吃什么给她带回去。
21 给她取可爱的外号,只有你能叫。
22 手机和电脑的背景一定是她的照片或你们的合影。
23 手机上的昵称一定是和别人不一样的,当你打给她时,她的姐妹看到会很羡慕。
24 在家帮她梳个幼稚的发型,然后叫她女儿。
25 如果出差一定带东西给她,虽然不贵,但证明你时刻都在想着她。
26 她坐上车,一定先为她拉上安全带,再为自己拉。
27 当她想要松开的时候一定再坚持抱她一会。
28 永远不会丢下她一个人,就算你无理取闹也一定要让她安全。
29 你心情不好的时候能同她说说,如果你不想说,就让你抱一下。
30 刚上的饭菜一定装作抢着吃的样子,多为她夹些。
31 当她无助时你能陪她爬爬山,看看夕阳。
32 吵架后绝对不冷战,哄她之后告诉她你是为她好。
33 睡觉的时候喜欢她抱着你,但当她背过身去一定也转身然后再抱她。
34 在她做家务的时候为她拍照,告诉她穿围裙的样子也一样很美。
35 如果她生病了一定细心照顾她,因为这时候她最脆弱,为她熬大大大补汤。
36 钱包里一定有她的照片。
37 下班回来一定会大声的说:老婆,我回来了。
38 半夜故意把被子往自己这边拉,让她离自己近些。
39 听她嘱咐我按时吃饭,多喝水多吃水果,说她罗嗦然后吻她。
40 打雷的时候把她揽到怀里睡,然后说:我怕怕。
41 帮她擦她吃东西留在嘴边的奶油的和果酱。
42 留一点点的胡渣在亲她的时候扎扎她。
43 在她的朋友面前细心的照顾她,让他们知道她的选择是对的。
44 在你的朋友面前细心的照顾她,不让她觉得你冷落了她。
45 有生之年陪她去趟她喜欢的城市或国家。
46 当她发呆,做饭,拖地或趴在阳台的时候,你会在身后揽住她。
47 不许她说对不起。告诉她这是圣旨。但可以用老公真好这四个字来代替。
48 即使是冬天,她说口渴你也会一溜烟下床帮她倒水,但回来她必须帮你暖身子。
49 当她钱包里钱不多的时候,你会拿给她说:帮我买双袜子,不用找了。
50 让她爱上你爱的游戏,让她爱上你爱的球队。
51 一起养只宠物。
52 在她能看到的地方写篇文章。
53 带她去游乐园,电影院,图书馆,博物馆,漫画展和小酒吧。
54 有一首关于我们故事的歌。每次去KTV都要唱。
55 当她要和你商量事情或说不开心的事的时候,一定放下手中的东西认真听。
56 如果有天她要离开你,你会挽留,也会放她走。告诉她受委屈的时候来找你。
57 抱着一颗感激的心和她相处,当你想发脾气的时候,你要学会忍耐。
58 下雨的时候打一把伞,迈一样的步伐踩水花不让天气影响她的心情。
59 去餐厅点她喜欢的菜,如果实在点不出就点没吃过的,一起喊好吃或难吃。
60 在你朋友和父母面前会夸赞她。不管她是否在场。
61 当她不理你时,就模仿她的动作、她的声音、她的表情、她撒娇时说的话。
62 送她回家一定把她送到门口,告诉她明天会来接她。
63 绝不在她面前盯着别的女人看,看A片绝不被她逮到。
64 总能随时变出一块她喜欢吃的糖。
65 如果你有一天出了意外,希望她能找个人替你爱她照顾她。

This is what I copy from facebook just now
Is it really what girls want?
Yeap *for me* :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My sister woke me up early in the morning today.
She looking at me with her sad eyes, her eyes is full of trouble.
She told me that she has lost her hand bag yesterday night at Ice Bar.
Her hand phone, wallet, IC, ATM card, religion necklace, medicine and others is inside the bag.
My god, I was get shocked. And she don't know how to tell mummy.

30 minute ago, she decided to tell mummy.
When she is telling mummy, daddy hear it.
Both of them keep scolded her and she keep on quiet.
Because, It's her fault too, she is stupid -.- Sigh!

Then, brother fetched she go to police station for lapor and others.
Pity sister, hope the people will give her back.
She is very sad. She wanna take back her religion necklace.
Because the necklace is very important for her.
So guys, please be kindness. *praying* :(
My friends, please pray for her too :(


Today is the last day of one week school holiday before reopen school.
Babe and me had planned go to Mount Kinabalu and Zoo, but too bad our planned has canceled. Sigh! But never mind la, at least I have out with him one time in this week, lol.
While I'm playing facebook, I saw some of my friends said they don't want go to school tomorrow @@ But I'm not really unhappy about it.
Because I love my school life, miss my dear friends a lots, meet all of them ASAP!
Appreciate much everything and of course I will try my best to study hard, concentrate on my study. Fighting!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yesterday night, talking phone with babe.
He told me all the secrets, problem, feelings what he never tell me.
He is unhappy because of somethings was happened around him and of course I'm unhappy too.
But I feel touching because I'm the listener of him

Babe, you promised me you will tell me everything on next time, right?
So please don't scare to tell me. I will try to understand you always.


Well, is Saturday again. Woke up early in the morning?
I'm Insomnia yesterday night. How come I still can woke up early in the morning, huh? Aww! :(

Didn't went to anywhere today. Just only staying at home and helped mum.
I'm a good girl, haha

Sister is going out with her friends for supper, pub? And brother is going for a movie (Just Another Pandora's Box)
I wanna follow! But too bad he don't let! So selfish :(

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Babe came and fetched me around 10 am, had a breakfast together at Inanam @ Kedai Kopi Laksa

There is full of people, we wait for 5 minute and the people open table for us. Thanks!
We ate laksa mihun, because the mee was finished. The laksa is not bad :)

Went to Giant after had our breakfast. Bought all the spaghetti and chocolate ingredient, because he promised me, hehe
Then, went to Shin Ching house. Babe cook it for us around 12.30 pm. Yeah, us, is 6 people.
Hm how the tasted? Is not bad babe. But still need to improve, because your brother had give you comment XD
Chatting with them, play with them and of course including the cutie babe boy.
He is cute! Got a girl, she cried and she hated me. Because she like babe -.- LOL

At around 4 pm. Babe cooked chocolate for us :)
Stayed at there until 5 pm and went back home prepare go to One Borneo for a movie.

Had a dinner with him, Shin Ching and her boy at New York New York

There is quite hot, because the air con is small and I'm fulled -.-
Play games at Fun Square after dinner and before movie.
Bought a same Tee with Shin Ching, just only the color is different :)

Alice in Wonderland
She is quite pretty

The movie is quite funny and excited. It's nice!
Reached home around 11.30 pm. I'm damnnnn missing him!

Babe, we go to watch Percy Jackson and The Lighting Thief next time. Muackss *

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random post.

I'm so boring right now.
I'll be sitting in front of the desktop few hours.
What a boring holidays, HUH?
I had test some mental test just now, here my result.

What should you study? Your learning style is Organized and Goal Oriented.
You are good at leading a group and finishing projects.
You should study Business, Communication, Fashion Merchandising, Health Administration, Interior Design, International Studies, Public Administration. * I just only ever think Business, Fashion Merchandising and Health Administration *
What kind of Bf/Gf are you? Romantic.
You are the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. You know just the way to be in a relationship.
Don't change anything and good luck.

What kind of heart do you have?
You have a serious heart. You believe that love is is not a mystery.
Love is respect, nurturing, and affection. Love is not drama.
You love with your head before you love with your heart.
It's not love if it doesn't make sense. Your heart is not easily tricked or fooled.
You only have feelings when it is the real thing. Your love life is only a part of your whole life.
Love has its place, but you don't obsess over it :D

hahaha, can't get the point right?
I just only feel happy when I saw all of this and hope that's truth XD


Girl, I really feel disappointed of you.
Why you will became like this?
So pro in acting? So pro talk bad people in front of your beloved boy friend even we didn't do? * clap clap clap *

I still remember how we know each other.
Last time, you told me what's you thinking of, your feelings, how he treat you, how sweet you are.

I never think you're so pro in acting. I just only think you're so pure, but now just I know you're so craftiness.
Sometimes, I really not even want to care those things.
Because you're my friend, best friend's. I'll feel hard to do, do u know that?

Do you remember what's you told me before? You hope everything will be same like last time? But do you ever think who's make everything had changed? Why don't you think clearly who treat you nicely?
I not even scare to let you see what I'm writing. I just hope you'll wake up.
Don't you feel tired? I really feel tired everyday hear you guys talking bullshit. * Sigh, please don't so childish and make me call you bitch *

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is 12.16 am right now, just finished talked phone with him.
And I really feel much better, better and better after I told him ^_^
I put it inside my heart so long time & Bii told me the things that he not even dare to tell me too.
I'm really happy okay :D
Say sorry to you at here, didn't tell you last time. But I really scared :X
Bii, next time don't scare I get angry k? Just tell me what u want to say and what are you thinking of :)
Really do appreciate what I having right now!
Heart you much! ^_^

I thought was myself think too much,
because when i told Ming, she asked me don't think too much.
But now just i know, 我的直觉是对的.
Hey bitch, i feel ashamed of you :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today, is happy 2 month anniversary with bii & 白色情人节
Thanks for everything you gave me
I really do appreciate much
Love you

Planed tomorrow out with him
Cook spaghetti to me, make chocolate to me
But, my mum don't let me out
Babe, i miss you so much :'(

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello everyone, I'm here right now ^^
Sorry for long time didn't update my blog, because I'm busy on study.
I'm concentrate okay. Ahaa :D
My school life is ....... fun. I'm very enjoy it

My exam result -


Even some of my result was pass, but still very bad :(
I want to improve my BM & MATH!!! :(

Yesterday, is the last day of school before school holiday.
My friends, look very happy. But I'm not happy at all, because I don't know what to do if i stay at home. Hang out? Waste money. Where my part time job? Sigh
He came to fetched me after school.
We went to Kara, bought lens case, eye mo, and solution (for eye contact one).
Had a lunch at KFC. I miss him so much ♥♥♥

Today, stay at home, didn't plan to out.
Resting. Wish everyone having a happy holidays! :)

** Bought a pair of Candy lens in blue color and Ming too :D **


Sunday, March 07, 2010

6 March 2010

Bii fetched me up around 3.30pm.
Went to Warisan 兴旺 for meet up my sister

Had a movie with Bii, Ming, Xiaosau, Shing Yee & Rara.
The movie is quite boring but some of the part really touched me :')
Barbie Hsu and Angela Baby is pretty!
谢霆锋 so lam me! ahahahaaa! :P

Before and after the movie started.

Bii fetched me go to Yeong Ai house for BBQ.
So i asked Ming follow us. Then Shing Yee, Xiaosau and Rara followed taxi go.

Reached her house around 8.30pm and the BBQ is start :)
Yeng & me :D

Tired face, play until so tired, crazy!

Bii fetched me and Ming back home around 10.30.
Had a lots of fun today! Appreciate much!

It's time for take a rest
Good night, sweet dream my readers!